Any one haerd the Gryphon products?

Speaker/Amps/Preamps/CD Players?
I recently bought their top of the line preamp Sonata Allegro and their former top of the line mono amps the Antilon, acutely at the time have had not heard of them before, but a fellow Audiogoner pointed me toward them, so I started doing some reading and I fell in love with not only the equipment but in their concept. They like to do things right the first time. As such they don’t have upgrades, as they believe that the product should be done right before it is out in the market. I end up buying the above from a guy in Indonesia. The minute you lay your eyes on the gear you can tell right away that you’re looking at some serious gear. Ant it is. When I hooked them up to my dCS (Verdi, Purcell, Delius), I heard lot of details that I’ve never heard before. It is great gear. In particular I like the auto biasing feature that one gets when the preamp is matched with their amps. This allows the preamp to change the bias of the amp (50%, 75%, 100%) based on the volume. In any case I am so happy that I don’t think about upgrades any more. My vote goes for them, I used to the Mark Levinson Ref 32 and I sold it when I got the Gryohon gear.
sort of a euro-mac..extreme fit and finish with a very good 'controlled' sound...a good investment if you intend to keep it for many years.
I have been using the Signature Antileon stereo for the past 18 monthes.The amp is driving JM Utopia ,fantastic combination.I bought it new built like a tank and beautiful.
Down side,generates lots of heat even at the 50 watts bias,and the weight and size.Superb amp.
I've owned Gryphon gear for many years and would say that jrd has hit it right on the dot!
I own the older linestage preamp...absolutely love it..although eventually i'll upgrade to the sonata allegro just so i can have a remote ;). i've also heard their amps and they are excellent. jrd had a great explanation of them. highly recommend