The issue for DVD-Audio is that the DVD Forum, which governs the disc format, requires that any digital high-rez output be encrypted and be sent over a secure physical interface (not SPDIF). The Forum is just now defining standards for the interface, so players have not previously been allowed to output data this way.
Unfortunately, 1394, which is one of the approved interfaces, has other problems and may not become popular. A manufacturer can develop a proprietary interface which meets the Forum's specs (e.g. Meridian) but this requires a one-designer system without mix-match components. And its expensive to develop. But it may be the best solution.
Unfortunately, 1394, which is one of the approved interfaces, has other problems and may not become popular. A manufacturer can develop a proprietary interface which meets the Forum's specs (e.g. Meridian) but this requires a one-designer system without mix-match components. And its expensive to develop. But it may be the best solution.