Help with cartridge selection

I just got a good deal on a VPI scout. My question is what ia a good choice for this unit. it has the #9 tone arm.
i'm looking to spend no more then $800.00
i have a new shure V15vmr that is still in the box.would this be a good choice???
i can run a MM or a MC
Thanks for your help.....
4yanx is correct on the Shure. The Shure V15 (whatever it's nomenclature is now) and Denon 103 series represent the best "values" in lower price phono cartridges IMO.
You really have to know what you are doing. A lot depends on your arm and your preamp stage. Some cartridges are too light and don't balance well in some arms, and more importantly some are too heavy. The counterweight should be as close to the pivot as possible. Some cartridges need the arm to be raised, some arms cannot be raised enough to accomodate the tall profile, whereas some are very short. Shimming is not a good thing - resonances almost always happen. Preamps that advertise they can accomodate low output cartridges may also contribute noise and other junk that you don't want. I found that a higher output cartridge of lesser quality sounds better than a "better" cartridge with a lower output which makes the preamp work harder.
WOW.... That is a lot of info to take in....
To answer Flyingred's question. I'm looking for detail and precision. I listen to all typs of music..
To answer bignerd100's question...
The phone stage is the one that came with my classe cp 60..

Thanks for all of the great help.......
Flyingred, with proper phono stage gain matching and set up (VTA/VTF etc..) the 17D2 should perform just fine in bass engery and impact. Perhaps comments you heard in this area were from users with improper set up or phono stage matching? I admit to having to experiment a lot with the JMW9 arm/17D2 set up to get it where I am today. But as a result I think I now better understand its abilities and how set up changes impact the sound.

I do agree that the 17D2 is leaning towards detail and precision, thus my initial comments on it being a dynamic and neutral cart.

93cobra, does your classe have ~60 dB of gain for its phono stage? If so, that and your preference for detail and precision make the 17D2 a strong candidate.

Good luck!