Vector tonearm and static issue?

Hello vinyl lovers! I am trying to track down an issue that seems to be associated with my Vector Model 1. I'm hoping that you folks with more experience can help me solve this issue.

I have developed what seems to be a static discharge through my analog front end. This discharge sounds similar to a vinyl pop that we all are familiar with. I have ruled this simple answer out by re-playing the same track and no pop. Also, this discharge does occur frequently when the platter is spinning and the arm is still on the rest. I have been in contact with A.J. and he has been very helpful. At his suggestion I have verified continuity from the tip of the spindle to the end of the bearing ground wire. I have also checked for shorts between the cartridge clips and the tonearm ground wire. Still get the popping and last weekend it seemed to get even worse.

There is an upside as this forced me off my lazy butt and last Saturday I installed my Graham 2.2 with an IC-70 cable. Narry a pop since. I did make one other change and that was to mount a Glider M2 instead of the 103R that was on the Vector. I suppose I should mount the 103R on the 2.2 to rule out the possibility of something going wrong with that cartridge.

Oh, before changing arms and cartridges I also tried swapping out all of the tubes in my phono stage. Also, this does not happen with my CDP so I think I can rule out the preamp.

Is there anything else I should check? Anyone got any neat tricks to try?


Well, I mounted the 103R on the 2.2 and still no audible problems. I plan to use both arms, the Vector and 2.2. I think the Vector is better with the lower compliance cartridges and the 2.2 seems to have a real synergy with medium compliance cartridges. I have constructed a wide-base fixture using maple and pvc pipe so I can easily switch arms without having to mess with dampening fluids.

So I'm left wondering where to go from here? I have nothing else in mind to try other than mounting the Vector again and wiggling wires or something.
Hey Dan. Intermittent problems like these can be a real bear to fault isolate. I’d think the odds are remote that a tonearm could cause the sound you mention. I’d guess that it was not the other arm, but something you did when moving to the other arm that eliminated the noise. Or else the tube changes that you mentioned, etc.

I like your idea of wiggling the wires on the Vector. If there was a fault with one or both of the signal wires within the Vector, I suppose as the arm is tracking, dependent upon how you’ve dressed the signal wires, a noise could result. Reading your thread again, you mention that the sound can occur when the arm is still on the arm-rest. Which my gut tells me eliminates the Vector from being the source of the noise. For how can a tonearm locked in its arm-rest cause any noise to result?

Dan, I think for your peace of mind, it would make sense to let Basis examine your Vector. And thus eliminate the tonearm from the list of items that might be causing this noise. I am sure Basis would be happy to verify that the arm is working properly, and provide a quick turnaround. In my years of dealing with them, they’ve been one of the good guys--always been very responsive.
Hi Tubes,

I have spent alot of time on this the last few days. Through trial and error while spinning alot of LP's I have come to the conclusion that all is well with the Vector. Once I thought I had solved the issue when I grounded both the bearing and the arm to the same ground lug on the phono stage. I also noticed that I had threaded the bear wires through the hole in the ground stud so that when I tighted the cap it was crimping and cutting the wires. So now the wires are just wound around the post.

All was well until I used the AQ brush on an LP before playing. Immediately the pop was back and there were several during the first half of the first track. Then things quieted down. I then tried just a couple of quick swipes with the brush instead of holding it for several rotations like the instructions say. Only one or two pops of significantly less intensity. I'm going to try to figure out a way to ground the AQ brush and see what that does. It is a great tonearm and I love the sound produced by it and the 103R. My plan is to upgrade to a higher performing low-compliance MC, like a Shelter 90X, once I get this issue solved. I'll have to keep playing with this to really convince myself that this is what is happening. Several times through this I've thought that I had the answer only to be proven wrong.

I agree 100% with your assessment of A.J. Conti. He has helped me out several times and is always quick to respond to emails. Now that I feel that I have a handle on what is causing this problem it does make sense to see if he thinks it is worth having a look at the wires on the tonearm. What I have found with the application of the AQ brush may be exposing a problem in the tonearm wires. They are close enough that I can hand carry the parts to them. A great excuse to visit a used LP store I know of that's on the way over to Hollis.

Although frustrating, it has been a great experience. I've learned alot more about adjusting both arms and now I have this nifty little fixture to support either tonearm when it is off the turntable. I see a multi-arm 'table in my future!
Hey Dan. Happy you've made so much progress solving this problem. I agree with your "love for the sound produced" by the Vector. As I was a happy AirTangent owner (used 2 diff AT arms over many yrs), it took a lot to convince me to leave that platform. And the Vector's performance did that easily, and at a relatively low cost.

Ha! You are going to Basis and that enables a visit to a record store. Way to go. Get some big scores.
Tubes 108,I hope,for my dear friend's sake,that you are correct,in that it is OK to move onto another arm,after the Air Tangent.He has a fabulous sounding system,but,due to ergonomic issues,has decided to move to the VPI 12.6 arm(he hates damping).I have always been able to recognize the unique signature,a good thing,on the A.T.,and hope he will not lose the "MAGIC".I'm NOT holding my breath,though.I think he's made a mistake,but it's his set-up not mine.Best of luck!!BTW,his table is a TNT.