Audio Research CD3

Anyone hear the new arc cd3 yet? I've been searching for reviews, but can't find anything so far.
Thanks guys, as always there are different views. I do agree however that the sound and not the measurements is what counts. I'm sorry I can't understand Gthrush1, can anyone translate?
Sounds Fantastic(after about 300 hrs.of burn-in)ARC recommends a 2 week burn-in period.Wide,wide stage,slamming big well defined bass and a nice sweet treble.Blew away my previous rig,alpha/delta combo(of course) sounds like an Oracle cdp.It is one of those cdp's that will improve a bad sounding cd but only up to a certain point,in other words it's very revealing,no sonic signature ,if the cd's great you'l hear it!
I have never seen a used CD-3 on Audiogon. That probably means people are holding on to them. Must be a reason.