VPI Record Clamps

To make a long story short my 1 piece record clamp threaded out on me, so I bought the new one with the stainless knob. Then I noticed in a Music Direct catalog Black Diamond Racing has come out with a carbon fiber clamp for $300. The guy at Music Direct talked mt into it. I tell you this thing kicks butt. If you're looking for a new clamp to replace the cheap plastic clamp that comes with the Scout or just looking for an upgrade I'd check it out. It sounds fantastic on my '19 MK IV.
How do you run your 'table without a clamp? What do you do that sounds better? I'd really like to know...
Alephman, I simply stopped using it (and the washer). A friend has a Basis table which is supposed to be used bare-platter, and I thought I'd try it. I found that records sounded better to me -- more open, dynamic and "alive" with them just sitting on the VPI's platter. Then I borrowed a Ringmat and thought it REALLY improved things, to the point where it sounded dull and recessed with both the original VPI clamp and the BDR clamp. Then I opted for the $195 Boston Audio Mat (pure graphite) on a 30-day trial, which I liked better than the Ringmat. That's where things stand now.

Frankly, the TNT still doesn't sound as good as my 1978 idler-drive Lenco L78, replinthed by Jean Nantais, author of the 2000 post thread here on Audiogon, but that's another story. Dave
I have a HW19 with the TNT platter. VPI has discontinued the '19 opting for their new tables with which you have to use their arms. I don't like their arms and wouldn't have one. I have a Graham 2.2. And I think the VPI Scout is a piece of shit. An undamped shakey unipivot arm with no antiskating and a table with no suspension. Try setting that on a suspended floor. But I hear VPI is selling them hand over foot. I would like to have their SDS. I'm on my third PLC and I got it used...
It's funny how we place priorities on different things. Alephman, on another thread (My SDS died), you claim you wish you could afford a SDS. I own an SDS, and wish I could afford a Graham 2.2 arm. I am currently using a JMW 10.5 arm, with my HW-19 mk IV, and I'm pretty satisfied overall. The bass is just a bit ripe, but overall a smooth operator. I was looking at a Graham 1.5tc arm, but the store was asking unreasonable prices. I got a great deal on my 10.5 arm, which BTW is not undamped, but they can be a bit tricky to set up.
I also don't find the suspension of the HW-19 to be adequate on my suspended floors. I do need a wall mount, but I'm dealing with WAF issues on that front. I don't think a suspension table does any better in my room than an unsuspended table, however, since I haven't tried an unsuspended table, I can't say for sure.