Good tube CD player beside AH & Heart ??

Any good tube CD player under $1000 ???
I am using Jolida amp, and Cabasse 4ohm skiff 302 !!
mkchan40 has a CJ dac on sale for 1200 (under "special promotions"). But you would need a transport. A nice unit.
no connection to the shop, just an occasional visitor
The new Jolida tube upsampling cd player will soon be tested at the TNT website....they have it in house now so a review is to follow. I think it is selling around 900US...This may be interesting for you as you already have that brand in your system....
I have been reading about players from Cayin and QDS(Norh OEM) for around $500 that are suppose to be wonderful. But I personally have never heard either one.
I have the Cayin CDT-15A and I love it. :) $510 USD plus freight from China. The chinese factory also makes Audio Electronic Supply (AES) amps.
