Please help me I am in trouble with my new table..


I have been waiting for my cartridge to arrive to set up my new Nottingham Spacedeck w/ Anna arm. This is the first time I have ever attempted to set up a table. I have been getting prepared for this for months. I had everything ready and just when I was almost done I broke a tonearm wire at the clip where it connects to the cart. I can't believe this. I was trying to be as gentle as possible having been warned they were fragile. I am beyond upset. Can someone please tell me how hard this is going to be to get fixed. Can I do it here? This is unbelievable. Please direct me to a thread or how I can get this figured out. I have been buying albums for the past 3 months and now I just feel like I am about to give up. Thanks and sorry for the complaining, just massively disappointed.
Hi there,
feel your pain !
a) can you solder?
b) if not find a local dealer who can
if you still have the tag & have any qualms about soldering give it to someone who can - there will not be much leeway so it has to be done right or you will be looking at having the arm re-wired, not cheap.
It's part of the joy of tables & when you get it up & running it will be worth it!
Thanks for the replies. Albert, I live in the suburbs of Detroit. I wish I did live near you. I don't know if I should attempt this project myself or not. I thought I could set up the table/cartridge without screwing up and look what happened. I would love to have someone local help but I don't know if that is possible. Would it be wise to have an electronic repair shop solder the clip back on for me? Do they have to be an audio dealer to do the job correctly? Thanks again. I feel better knowing that this can be fixed. I appreciate all of you. Thanks for the warning Simon, I would really like to avoid any additional expense for the repair.
Send it out and pay the $75 worth of trouble to get the arm repaired properly. I am sure with the small are of soldering, there is little margin of error. $75 investment for 1 hour of a good technician's time is not expensive, in consideration to what you have invested in your system.

Soldering the clip back is a five minute job, tops. If you have a local dealer with some solder experience they should be able to do the job.

If we keep this thread open for a few days, there may even be a fellow Audiogon member near you (Detroit area) that could help you out.

Did you purchase the arm separately and install it yourself? I ask, because if no one else offers (near you), ship the arm to me. I will repair and return the same day for cost of shipping only.
I really want to thank everyone for the help and the offers to repair the damage. I talked to the person I bought the table & arm from (audiogon member) and he is willing to repair it for me. Enjoying this hobby is much easier with all the great people who participate. My wait will be a little longer than I originally thought. I am hoping the resulting sound will all be worth it in the end. Thanks again, especially Albert.