I feel your pain--you want satisfying vinyl playback while wanting to spend as little as possible. But what is "satisfying"? Only you can decide, and you can only decide after listening to a range of systems. If there's no local dealer carrying a range of vinyl playback systems, then it would be well worth the cost of a trip to the Big City to find one.
But maybe you live waaay out in the sticks (I used to live there). Here's my recommendations:
turntable: a good plug and play turntable is a Rega P25 (750 or so)
cartridge: lots of choices here, an interesting one might be a Denon 103 series cartridge. Haven't heard it personally, but it's supposed to be a killer cart (200 or so).
phono pre: i've had good luck with the monolithic psychicanimal mentioned (i don't think you'll need the expensive seperate power supply at this point). Other possibilities include used lehmann black cubes and musical surroundings phonomena (300-400).
Cleaning: you're smart to think about clean vinyl. If you're going to be cleaning 100's of lps, then a vpi or nitty gritty is the way to go. But if you're content to clean only a handful at a time, have the time and some spare elbow grease, then you can save money and get similar results (in my experience) doing it by hand using Disc Doctor products and procedures.
I think you should take the plunge. Who knows, the Wadia might start gathering dust. If you do bite the bullet, make sure to report back what you did and how you like it. I'm sure there are a lot of others out there in your current position who would benefit from you experience.
Good luck and have fun.
I feel your pain--you want satisfying vinyl playback while wanting to spend as little as possible. But what is "satisfying"? Only you can decide, and you can only decide after listening to a range of systems. If there's no local dealer carrying a range of vinyl playback systems, then it would be well worth the cost of a trip to the Big City to find one.
But maybe you live waaay out in the sticks (I used to live there). Here's my recommendations:
turntable: a good plug and play turntable is a Rega P25 (750 or so)
cartridge: lots of choices here, an interesting one might be a Denon 103 series cartridge. Haven't heard it personally, but it's supposed to be a killer cart (200 or so).
phono pre: i've had good luck with the monolithic psychicanimal mentioned (i don't think you'll need the expensive seperate power supply at this point). Other possibilities include used lehmann black cubes and musical surroundings phonomena (300-400).
Cleaning: you're smart to think about clean vinyl. If you're going to be cleaning 100's of lps, then a vpi or nitty gritty is the way to go. But if you're content to clean only a handful at a time, have the time and some spare elbow grease, then you can save money and get similar results (in my experience) doing it by hand using Disc Doctor products and procedures.
I think you should take the plunge. Who knows, the Wadia might start gathering dust. If you do bite the bullet, make sure to report back what you did and how you like it. I'm sure there are a lot of others out there in your current position who would benefit from you experience.
Good luck and have fun.