Shunyata Snakebite

Anyone tried the new budget Shunyata Snakebite power cable? I was looking at getting a PS Audio Prelude to try out on my phono pre, but saw this come up at the same price. Any comments appreciated.


I ordered one from with the understanding it was an old Diamondback. I have had it in my system for about a week now running from a PS Audio Ultimate outlet to a Juice Bar. It was an improvement over the standard black cord that I had before. It was a little bright and harsh sounding at first but it as mellowed out and has continued to get better sounding throughout the week. I don't have an actual Diamondback to compair it to but I don't think I got ripped off. Just a little mislead.

Just a follow-up,

The word is that Shunyata found an old roll of the original Diamondback cord and decided to offer it on a limited basis, with enhanced connectors. So, in fairness to The Cable Company, who advertises it as the "original" Diamondback, they did not mislead in their advertisement.

To clear things up, the limited-production 'Snakebite uses the original DiamondBack wire--that had been on hand for special lengths of the original model, with the tinned-copper foil shield and clear sleeve.

The difference between the 'Snake-bite and current production DiamondBacks are two-fold. One, there is a second, tinned copper braided shield on current production DiamondBacks, and Two, the 'Snake-bite does not have the premium silver/rhodium/Gold(male) contact plating on its connectors. These differences determined the lower price of the 'SnakeBite.

Hope this helps clear up any confusion.
I slipped three of these snakebite cords into my system after owning just one basic after market powercord (on the CD player). When I got to this last cord and slipped the 3rd snakebite into the CD player there was a significant degrade in the sound quality. It was like everything slowed down by a few nanoseconds and the music was having to push through syrup to get out the speakers. So, I left the system on and alone for a 24 hours and crossed my fingers. Now I've got a quieter noise floor with smoother more natural sounding vocals and music. Very nice, definite improvement, and it seems to continue to improve as it settles in. If this is what a basic power cord does, makes me wonder about what the big ones can do.