Difference between non and factory terminated

If someone gave you a good factory terminated power cable, and someone else gave you the same cable, but they terminated it at both ends themselves (let's suppose they done a reasonable job), could you hear the difference? How much, if any, difference does factory termination make?
Tvad - What if the IEC connector and wall plug were of a comparable or better quality than the original, but not the the same as the original? In this case, the non-factory terminated cable couldn't be worse than the factory terminated one, could it? (barring a sloppy termination job). Would it sound different? Would it sound better?
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Octuple (love the user name BTW),
I'll chime in only to agree with what Tvad had already written. And as you mentioned earlier, the hit to the resale value is of concern for those of us who like to try out different cables. If the cable is a keeper, then depreciation is irrelevant. Sorry I can't add anything further. I think the question has been fully answered.