Has anyone compared the following cables please?

Synergistic resolution reference, Purist Audio Venustas, Audience AU24, Ridge Street Poiema!! and Nordost SPM's. I am looking for a warm sounding cable with lots of detail.
I also did a shootout with Vanustas, SPM, etc, etc. that you can check out............ I recommend the Cable Co.'s lending library for cable comparisons.
Thank you all for taking the time to post your replies, they have been very helpful. If money was no object, I am leaning towards the PA Venustas. However, the discussions are now making me think again about the interconnects I have almost settled for - Nordost Valkyrja. I find them extremely clean and revealing, which perhaps is at the root of my problem. What makes matters worse is that I've been offered a really good deal on them and since I haven't heard anything else that provides the same level of clarity, I am reluctant to give them up. This begs the question, are there any cheaper I/C cables out there which offer the same type of performance as the Nordost's but with a bit more bass weight/warmth?
Hard to get it all. I have used Pure Note, Audience, and Nordost. Pure Note had the closest to what you are looking for, detail with smoothness. Cardas Ref. is warm but bloated as a comparison. YMMV. FWIW.