Good Better Best Interconnects

Thx for responding in advance ...

Hi all would like info/opinions on quality interconnects 1-1.5 mtrs RCA-RCA ( & or Digital Cable )in the approx. $150-$200.+ range for my Mc MR85Tuner - Mc MA6900, and future( in the next few months ) CD -/- DVD Player possibly Arcam Diva DV79 or FMJ DV29 player or Mc MVP861 Universal Player or ? ...

I've heard that Audience are quite good, any thoughts ...

Thx very much for any help on this matter :)...

T I ...
Must say I totaly agree with Tvad on this subject.all cable tests should always be qualified with in my system and a detailed list of what is hooked to what with what listed in order to give you a vague idea of what it could sound like if you had similar equipment.why not buy some well made cable inexpensive like kimber pbj and listen for a while.then go test drive the products of the snake oil merchants and if one is so better you have to own it go for it.listening in your system with your equipment is the only valid test.Go slowly listen carefully and dont waste your cash.
And, furthermore, having wiring professionally broken-in by one of the Audiogon vendors like George Saubon at can dramatically improve performance, even further. So, it can be cost effective to invest in better "break-in" along with use of Walker Audio SST to satisfy your desire for additional increments of better performance at moderate price.
This (as my fellow audiophools have stated) is a long winding road that you're going down. Oodles of threads on this in the archives. I started (and loved) with Latinternational ICs. Very reasonable price. Great $$/quality value. Fasten your seatbelt. Hey, have a ball doing your homework. If you purchase used, you won't lose a thing, 'cept (maybe) shipping. peace, warren
This seems to be a good opportunity to share my experience with interconnects in my system. I used to have Audience AU24 and always liked them but am going toward an all Audio Note set up so I bought Audio Note AN-V interconnects. The short story is that with my Audio Note amp I much preferred the Audio Note AN-V, the Audience was still very good (and an excellent deal) just less lifelike and a bit more hi fi sounding, things like extended frequency extremes which seem to distract from what is going on in the midrange. Anyway I told my friend about the AN-V and brought them to his house for a listen vs his AU24, as you may imagine, it was not the same results. Neither of us could hear a difference at all! None! Zilch! OK, well, maybe, mine were a bit warmer and I mean about 1% vs the 20% improvement at my house. You see my friend does not have SET tube amps like I do, he has big solid state Classe gear and it sounds excellent. We both knew to expect some difference between the two tests but this was massive, comparing the interconnects on two different systems came up with (subjectively) 20% difference in results.

Bottom line...

System matching is EVERYTHING

all IMHO opinion of course...

I agree with the above posts. Having said that, I'll go out on a limb and say IMO the Ridge Street Audio Midnight Silver Edition Gen. I could be purchased on the used market within your price range and would most likely blow the competition (at that price range and higher) away. I have owned many interconnects and speaker cables (read my reviews) and can honestly say that I have never been disappointed with the product in my SS and/or Tube systems. Purchase what ever you like, I'm simply a very satisfied customer.