Suggestion & Recommendation for the CABLES

Any experience & suggestion for the Interconnects/Speakers/PC Cables for my systems:

Simon Yorke S7, Wadia 861, Sequerra FM Reference,
Viola Labs Symphony Amps SS / Cassanda Preamp SS,
Vandersteen Model 5A.

Thank you.
you obviously have a very nice system and have spent quite a bit to this point.if you can swing it the indra interconnects are superb.i am currently auditioning what i think is the best speaker cable i have heard in my system ..that being a prana 'cosmos' speaker cable. both of these cables are relatively expensive but i believe in matching quality with can get good cables for less but i don't think you can get 'great' cables cheaply.just a thought
....they are supposed to be coming this week.i am currently auditioning prana 'cosmos' speaker cables which are will be interesting to compare the elrods' to them
I am also waiting for audition of Elrod's (I am next in line after you) and will compare those to my FMS "Nexus".


Thanks for all, Calloway & Tindersticki, I'm waiting for your audition and compare the Elrod speakers cables & prana
