Suggestion & Recommendation for the CABLES

Any experience & suggestion for the Interconnects/Speakers/PC Cables for my systems:

Simon Yorke S7, Wadia 861, Sequerra FM Reference,
Viola Labs Symphony Amps SS / Cassanda Preamp SS,
Vandersteen Model 5A.

Thank you.
I am also waiting for audition of Elrod's (I am next in line after you) and will compare those to my FMS "Nexus".


Thanks for all, Calloway & Tindersticki, I'm waiting for your audition and compare the Elrod speakers cables & prana

Calloway & Tindersticki -

Could you please tell me what the price range of the Elrod speaker cables is?

If you don't want to do this publicly, please email me privately.

I am a big fan of Mr. Elrod's products, and just need to know if the price of this new offering is even worth considering. If the answer is "if you have to ask, then you can't afford it", then I'm out...