I use ACME treated P&S outlets ganged in loose junction boxes, running directly to the house breaker panel on Belden 83802. The CDP has its own line, as do the pre and tuner together. A third box has a 30 amp industrial Leviton SPDT switch in it to allow remote turn-on of my Aleph 2 monos. As I did ALL this at once, I of course can't comment on what aspects are more important, but at $35/ACME, $10/switch, and $2/ft Belden, the $300 spent here resulted in a added dimension of dynamics, and perhaps a bit more resolution...not unlike some of that offered by the 24b/192k DAC modded into my EMC-1. The $300 seems a bargain.
The leftover 83802 was used to make all the PCs. Why not, eh?, following the "continuousness" argument instead of the
"last 6 feet DO matter" camp. So no $$ PCs for me. 12AWG copper in FEP at $2/ft is too appealing.
ACME's treated P&S may be the more subjective modification here, but at $100/3 I sprung for it.
Also bought a Furutech IEC used for $40. Now THAT seemed stupid! Anyone want it? Cheers.
The leftover 83802 was used to make all the PCs. Why not, eh?, following the "continuousness" argument instead of the
"last 6 feet DO matter" camp. So no $$ PCs for me. 12AWG copper in FEP at $2/ft is too appealing.
ACME's treated P&S may be the more subjective modification here, but at $100/3 I sprung for it.
Also bought a Furutech IEC used for $40. Now THAT seemed stupid! Anyone want it? Cheers.