Tell me about your Jena Labs Symphonys

I'm curious about these cables and would like to hear opinions from owners or those who auditioned but did not buy. Thanks!
I am using the Jena Labs Symphony cables throughout my system (both interconnects and speaker cables). I was previously using Kimber Select 1030 interconnects on all my front end components, a long run of Transparent Ultra XL between my preamp and amps, and Transparent BiCable speaker cables. In my system, the Jena Labs cables produced blacker backgrounds (significantly lower noise floor) and more natural instrumental timbres. They also offered slightly more taut low bass reproduction and better frequency extension on the top end.
I am using Jena Labs symphony interconnects and enjoy them a lot. I have tried a lot of the other(but clearly not all) big name cables and I just find the Jena's fit my preferences the best. The Valhalla's are good, but when it comes to living with a cable I prefer the Jena's. They are worth an audition they have a natural midrange unlike any other cable I have tried in my system. Across the board they are great performers and in particular the Syphony's case they offer a good level of value(compared to other cables in a similar price, the idea that a cable that costs thousands to be seen as a value is pretty funny in itself).
I'm using the Symphony speaker cables in a vertical-biamp configuration with Jena's Dreamdancer cables, and I have to second the opinions of Bob and Tireguy. They are indeed great cables. What has impressed me most about them is their background silence and effortless way with macro- and microdynamics. Jena's premium stuff is top-flight all the way, but the Symphony may be their biggest bang for the buck. In the right system it's magical.
In english class I learned not to start off a sentence or paragraph the same way consecutively. With that said, I'm using symphony interconnects and fugue digital cable. I am still waiting to pick up their speaker cables. From what I've been told they don't mix well with other cables, so while I may not be hearing all that the cables have to offer, it's certainly very good. I agree with everything that has been said about them. The cables have a nice ease and body to them. The symphonys are certainly cables that you can place in a less than SOTA system and good enough that you won't be worrying about them in a better system.

I'm no expert on cables but I have tried my share of cables including the Valhallas. The Jena's have as low of a sonic signature as any cables I've heard. They might not do everything the best, and at first listen, their difference might not even be that apparant. With some other cables, you immediately notice it's there as their sonic signature, strengths and weaknesses, shine through. The Jena's, on the other hand, I feel they do a great combination of things very well and so they don't draw attention to themselves.
Howie - this thing about not mixing with other cables intrigues me. I bought some Jena Symphony ICs and love the quality of the sound - but am not so sure about their character. They appear to me to be a bit laid back - almost too laid back. So should I get Jena SYmphony SCs? More of that laid back sound and my system will sound horrible. Or will the SCs save me from the laid back sound of the ICs? Does anyone know? Are the SCs as laid back as the ICs or do they counter-balance the ICs with a more upfront balance?