My suspicion is that the Audience powerChords are to blame for a softening of transients in the system, but when I compare the Jena to several other ICs I find they are a lot less immediate than say the Luminous Synchestra Refs, but certainly not rolled off like Cardas Golden Ref or even Stealth PGS.
Power chords are a real pain to try out here in NZ with reterminating in our pathetic plugs being almost impossible with 10 guage or larger conductors. Plus some US cords are only rated at 300V which is decidedly dangerous to use on our 230V supply.
I will hold back on trying Jena SCs until I have got my PCs sorted I think.
Power chords are a real pain to try out here in NZ with reterminating in our pathetic plugs being almost impossible with 10 guage or larger conductors. Plus some US cords are only rated at 300V which is decidedly dangerous to use on our 230V supply.
I will hold back on trying Jena SCs until I have got my PCs sorted I think.