CD suggestions and help with Musical Fid. and BMW?

System: Musical fidelity A3 pre and amp, B&W 804 Nautilis, tara 1000 speaker cables, tara prime interconnect, Old Marantz CD changer. 45 days old system.

I love the system on many jazz, rock CDs, but on some CDs and tracks, the highs (cymbols, etc) can dominate sound at expense of mids/lows, making the sytems sound overly bright and unbalanced. Does anyone have any suggestions on CD players and/or tweaks to warm up and balance the sound? I tried the MFA3 CD with some improvement but not enough to justify the price. Also, I would prefer a changer, but most higer end gear seems to be single tray. Thanks for your help!!
I appreciate all the great ideas. About 3/4 my CDs sound great on this system, with fine balance and bass. The other quarter is where I get the brighter, less balanced emphasis. If the room were the issue, wouldn't I notice the problem consistently, same with the cables/cords?? I'm thinking of demoing a Rega 2000 just to see if it makes any difference. Please keep your thoughts coming.

Best Regards,
Plashy cymbals, or the tweeter making itself known/apparent/sticking out, is a common comment made of the Nautilus Tweeter. I would look at the cables also as a fix. It ain't the CD if I am right about the tweeter (in your system). I agree that it would more likely be grain with a CD player along with the wrong interconnects for that player.
most of b&w's latest stuff all leans toward the 'bright' end of the spectrum. I had CDM9 NTs in my second system, they're essentialy cut from the same cloth as the N804s. I had to sell them after 6-months cos the 'brightness' became too overbearing...forget about masking this coloration w/ tubes. i hope you find a solution short of having to sell your b&ws like i did.
I'm new to the sophisticated audio equipment. I appreciate all the different suggestions and opinions, but can tell it'll be a bit of a journey.
If anything, your $1500 (list) 120 watt amp is a little on the low/lightweight side for a $3500 pair of Nautlilus speakers, regardless of how nice that amp is. The Nautlius speakers seem to have a long break in period and tend to like lots of power. If changing hardware is a solution, it may involve upgrading the amp or downgrading the speakers to get a better match.

I don't think brightness is a "coloration", it is a complete lack of any coloration. You don't really need to decrease the brightness; that would just make it dull. You need to add more midrange and bass warmth.

Now you see why we are all nuts!!