Virtual Dynamics Power Cords Master Series

I am looking for a very good power cord for a CEC TL-1X transport. I have read only about these power cords and was wondering if anybody has any expereince with them. I am interested in their Master Series cord. My price range ia about $1,000 used....$2,000 used.
These cords are wonderful, especially when you can do your whole system.I found that the Master is just so relaxed in how the music is presented and that nothing is sounds forced.The soundstaging is so massive that you are enveloped in the venue with huge air around the performers. The dynamics extended in the bass and are effortless in the top octaves when you compare them to the Nite. They are not cheap but will compete with the very best outhere and offer huge resolution of redboof cd's. Brouch is correct in that you just forget about the system and get enveloped in the emotional flow of the music. I have had a classically trained flutist and a talented musician who plays many instruments, visit the listening room. They remark that the music has the same structure of notes that makes them feel as if they were playing that instrument!!. I can think of no higher accolade since I am an audiophile ( I cannot carry a tune in a basket as my grand father once told me) and not a trained musician.If you get the chance to try the Master, you may do yourself and your system a great favour in the process .
i also went from the nite to the Master and i completly agree with what was said above,they are great.and rick schultz is one of the best people around
Thank you gentlemen for your responses....especially the ''build your own '' guy. Some people on Audiogon are a great source to discuss these topics with.....sometimes, the honest opinions are the best. Others should continue to shop at Wal-Mart for all of their electronics. I use this as a resource to buy the correct cable for my system because I don't have a thousand or two just to ''blow''on a p/c cord......
Others should continue to shop at Wal-Mart for all of their electronics.

snooty, are we! If you ask what people think of a pricey piece of equipment, what do you expect them to say, they bought one and it was awful? You aren't looking for opinions, just confirmation of your purchase decision. So like I said, get it and let us know!(spelled out-smiley face)