People buying Transports again?

I have a friend who is looking to purchase some dCS equipment. He is set on getting the entire dCS stack. Not sure if it is the Vivaldi or Pagnini. Although he has converted his library to digital (Meridian Sooloos) he believes he gets the best sound via a Transport. Now I know this is very subjective on does it sound better and if so what is the price of it. Like him I have converted all of my music over to digital. I converted it mostly for convenience and access to my entire collection. I have downloaded some HiRez files but I have no desire to repurchase my music in HiRez format if it becomes available. To me converting from disc to digital files was like going from non-remote control preamps to preamps with remotes. I personally would not buy a non-remote controlled preamp but that is just me. Are people going back or staying with transports?
I switched to my Olive 04HD about a year and a half ago. Although I don't use my excellent CEC transport any longer, I probably will never sell it. You never know when you might need it.
Happy to see another Olive user,I got the Olive 04hd back in October and love it,I recently bought the 06hd for my main rig and moved the 04hd to my other system.Excellent units.
I am going AWAY from PCM transports. My recent experience with memory players and now a Bryston BCD-1 has me going to ripped source material, even though it will be an enormous amount of work to rip my CD library. And it is much more than convenience like remote vs no remote. Its a sound quality issue. I am hearing things in my standard CDs I have never heard before. Granted, I am not comparing to $15K transports but that is the point. Best sound for the buck.
dCS makes some pretty special transports. i have the scarlatti dac/clock/trans and the trans is superior on redbook and sacd. i've also heard the dcs scarlatti upsampler at my dealers....and even then preferred the trans...

don't get me wrong....downloads sound great to...but in direct comparisons, I always preferred the transport. on SACD was comparing to 24/192 download. Now the Vivaldi can do higher sampling maybe it'll change.

For your friend, I think he must get a dCS transport...even if he/she does the Vivaldi DAC and a scarlatti or paginini trans...don't forget the clocks are crucial also...

Hope this helps you