Which CD Players Are both Warm and Detailed

Looking for a single box CD Palyer that is both warm and detailed. Great for Jazz, clasical. Budget has got to be $2000 or under - New or Used. Your input very appreciated.
In that price range the resolution audio Cd-55 seems to be the unit of choice. Well if I were to buy a player in this price range it would be what I would go for that unit with out much thought. And it has an analog volume to boot! Great detail and warmth I think it would do you very well- try a search and see what you find. ~Tim
The Rega Jupiter at $1800 +/- new has such a reputation, never heard it though....
try a used Meridian 508/24 . Its in your price range and has definately both of your wishes covered. I own one and I think very highly of it for a single box player. Good luck