hospital grade or commercial grade receptacles ?

What is the difference ? Is it really worth ten times the price to get hospital grade receptacles ? Why ?
Is one brand really superior to another? Is Pass &
Seymore a good brand ? Hubble better ?
I am setting up a closet to house my mid-fi gear and
will be running two dedicated 20A. lines to run the
2-channel audio and the home entertainment equipment. I
will have two double (2 duplex receptacles) on each 20A
Thank you in advance.
Albert, experience ain't enough. Your ears (well, actually your brain) can and will deceive you. And at least some rudimentary science does count. You see, Albert, you're pecking an answer me on a machine that wouldn't exist without a pretty breathtaking understanding of how electricity is conducted through all sorts of materials, taking into account some pretty subtle effects that are sometimes down to a mere trickle (metaphorically speaking) of electrons on signal paths less than a micron wide. And then, laughably, you use that very device to tell me that the science of signal propagation, that's much simpler than that for integrated circuits, doesn't matter. I've got news for you - it matters.

Now I know that a big deal is being made here that I haven't listened to a cryo'd power cord or outlet, so therefore my arguments aren't valid. But guys, I have listened to many different power cables, speaker cables and interconnects - in a damn revealing system - and I heard no difference. None. Nada. Now are you arguing that cryo'd cables are necessary to hear the difference?

And by the way, before any of you guys argue that I haven't heard proper cables, here's the list:

An Audioquest power cord the dealer had me try when I bought my first ML amp. He was very nice to me, so I humored him. No difference. It sure looked nice, though. I thanked him for the experience and returned it.

Cardas Quadlink interconnects. Nice color! I found these at a garage sale / estate sale for $20, in perfect condition. I use them on my video system,for audio (with an $80 receiver). No difference on the main system.

Audioquest Midnight and Green Hyperlitz speaker cables. I could have sworn they didn't sound as good as my home-made 10AWG cables, but I must have been imagining things. They certainly didn't sound better. (Have you ever cut one of these open? There's so little copper in there you wonder how they work properly at all. All to try and manage skin effect at audio frequencies...)

So now what? I suppose now I need to have my ears cleaned or my hearing checked?
Post removed 
I void to never again add to this useless thread, but Irvrobinson's last post saying, "If someone will send me at least one cryo'd cable I'll give it a listen." is the ultimate in hubris. He thinks he is the authority!

That machine we are both "pecking" on is partially the development of Texas Instruments, of which several of their key people are friends of mine. I have been doing photography for them for nearly 20 years.

Here is the fuel cell press release for Jack Harrod, an avid audiophile and another person suffering from hallucinations of purchasing Purist power cables.

Jack lives in a multimillion dollar home with original art work, including one Pablo Picasso. He has a fabulous sound system. Likely one you would not approve of because it is all tube and has high end cable throughout.

Between Jack and our Grammy award winning musician, we have some real catching up to do to equal our resident Physics genus.

By the way, Jack tried to use a volt-ohm meter to verify the quality of the Picasso. It did not read 100 on the meter so we are now afraid to enjoy it for fear we have been duped.
Here is our Grammy award winning member.


His system is used to edit the discs for sale at your local music store. He
toopurchased Purist cable throughout. But hey, what does he know? A degree
from Juilliard can't possibly qualify him to know what sounds good. A Physics
degree is required for that.