Power cord to add ease and tame treble.

My system comprise of a Ayre CX7; Hovland HP100; Pass X150.5 and JMLab Diva Be. All IC are Cardas GoldRef, SC are Ridge St Poeima. The IC & SC were chosen after extensive in home comparo.

The sys sound pretty good but there is slight brightness, nervousness at the treble. The resolution is excellent. I have tried trivista DAC which warmed up the sound but lost sig. detail, front to back spatial clues. A friend's Cary 303/100 fits in between and is quite nice. Is there a way to tame the treble while preserving the details & reolution using a power cord?
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Try just adding a single Wolff Carbon Source AC cord or Grover/Wolff Empress IC...... very substantial reduction of digital grain/glare, trail periods available. Both cables sold here at Audiogon.

I see you don't have power conditioner, this can help give you smoothness you seek.......but also some can restrict dynamics so must choose carefully here, I like Audio Magic power conditioners but they are expensive.
A recent posting regarding speaker toe-in reminded me that an easy way to tame a hot treble is to use less toe. The apparent reason: a tweeter's response declines as you move off its direct axis. A freebie tweak! Try it and see.
Its quite a game isn't it?
After many ic and pc problems and yes I have gone the Cardas,JPS Labs,Blue Circle ,Audience route.I do believe cables make more of a difference than components, by quite a large margin.
Try line conditioning and some of the smaller cable guys like
Audio Magic ,and really worth a try "Z-squared" ,personal review soon.Very complete sound with their gear.FWIW
Peter D.
I would try a master pc for virtual dynamics. Install on the your Ayres and listen to your system transform to another level. Good listening!!