Add DAC to Philips 963sa or Arcam DV-88P ???

I apologize in advance for the length of this post, but I really need your opinions here --

My setup: I have a both a Philips DVD-963SA SACD/CD/DVD player and an Arcam DV-88P CD/DVD player. I use them for ALL formats listed - SACD & CD for music and DVD for movies. I listen primarily to fusion jazz, blues & rock. I only have a couple SACD's to play so far.

They feed :
-Anthem AVM-20 pre/pro
-Pass Labs X-250 & X-3 amps
-Martin Logan Aerius i/Cinema/Stylos spkrs (currently - see below)
-Martin Logan Descent sub (using low-level inputs from the preamp for 2-chnl AND LFE)

NOTE - I will be receiving a pair of Talon Raven 2002 speakers with CMRC crossover upgrades very shortly, to replace the Aerius as front mains. I know - this is a BIG change, replacing limited-range stat hybrids with full-range dynamic box speakers - we'll see how this goes...

My Questions:

--Should I add a quality DAC to either or both of these sources?

--Which player would make a better transport for use with a dedicated DAC? I understand that DVD players inherently make good transports, but have also heard rumors that neither of these particular players work that well in this respect.

--Should I forgo adding a DAC, sell one player and use that cash to simply upgrade to a better one-box CD player, leaving DVD duties to the remaining one? I am thinking most about a used Electrocompaniet EMC-1 24/192, but would consider others ($2300 or less).

--Given my configuration, would it be best to get a DAC/player with remote-controlled volume and connect it DIRECTLY into the balanced inputs on the Pass X-250 amp, leaving the RCA's to connect the amp to the pre/processor? This would eliminate the Descent sub from 2-channel use, but the Talons are supposedly terrific bass providers (rated to 17hz), so this may not matter. If so, which DAC/player would apply?

If I go the DAC route, here are my requirements:
-24/192K upsampling (or at least upgradability to that later)
-Home Theater digital pass-through
-Balanced outputs
-A NOTICEABLE upgrade in sound quality over my existing players

$1700.00 is about my limit (used or new), and I have so far researched the following:

-Pass Labs D-1 (which is only 24/96 at best and somewhat out of my price range)
-Electrocompaniet ECD-1
-Musical Fidelity 324
-Birdland Odeon Ag
-Perpetual P-3/P-1/Monolithic PS (Modwright Sig 1)
-Scott Nixon TubeDAC+

I know that I am all over the place with the options I am considering, but would appreciate some guidance from the 'goNNers here!


I have entertained that option as well. Ric's upgrades sound tasty, but the interior shots on his website look pretty 'homegrown'. Here are my concerns with such mods:

-The mods are safe for the long-term - No electrical fires or busted player wanted!
-They make the big improvements he claims - enough to forget the mega-dollar players/DAC's
-The 963 is a good-enough starting point to warrant spending double (!) what the player costs on mods

Having said that, I guess this option would allow me to simply sell the Arcam and all formats that I use are still covered by this one player without adding the complexity of an external DAC.

--On another note: My listed 'requirements' are not written in stone, just semi-educated assumptions on my part.
Ric is pretty impressed with the upgraded performance of the Philips unit. As is often the case, I haven't heard one myself. I don't know if he offers a balanced differential output option. I would think he could give you some references regarding performance and reliability.