With Wadia, pre-amp or no pre-amp

Does anyone here use your Wadia CD player to amp without going through the preamp?
KISS When I first got my 860x I ran it through my Krell krc3 because I "needed" the switching for my other components. After a couple of weeks As an experiment I tried it direct. There was no going back. After al who needs a cassette deck? and If i want to listen to the radio turn on the radio. Seriously The Pre never got plugged back in. Sold them all on AudiogoN. Upgraded my cables to Kimber Select, After all I only need one. The claim is that you loose resolution under about a volume setting of 70 But I really don't notice it because under 70 you are just using it for background anyway.

As others have said Trust your ears.

You will have enough left over for a good power cord. I can Highly recommend Synergistic Research Designer Reference and by all means get the Active shield. good listening.
As an 850 owner, I agree with the posts by Jfrech and Ejlif above. Wadia just sounds more palpable and natural direct. Through a good preamp you get some extra dynamics, but lose some sense of "real instruments playing" (superb timbre from Wadia's DSP). I've had a number of preamps in my system to test this out (e.g. Pass X1, ARC LS25, Levinson 380S). The direct Wadia sounds even better after the Great Northern Sound mod (which I did). As for RCA v. XLR, I doubt it would make much difference unless your system is truely fully balanced throughout. As for the volume control issue, many people seem to really sweat over this or criticize it, but it is really simple to resolve given the internal switches which can adjust output voltage between 0.25V and 4.0V. You can always adjust such that the volume will stay above 80 for most recordings.
With most (possiblly all) their designs Wadia recommends balanced ics for the shortest signal path and best performance. I went from Stealth PGS (excellent RCA's) to a balanced pair of Nordost Quattro fils w/ a Wadia 21i feeding a Coda 11 amp. The balanced Quattro's get my vote. Wish I had a pair of balanced PGS to do a real bal vs. single ended test. Steve Huntley at Great Northern Sound is better informed than most on what works well with Wadia gear.
My system consists of a Wadia 860x CD player, a BAT VK500 amplifier, Martin-Logan reQuest speakers, Nordost Quattro Fil interconnects XLR and Nordost SPM Reference speaker cables. In addition, there is a PS Audio P300 feeding the Wadia, one PS Audio 20-amp high current outlet for the speakers and one PS Audio 20-amp high current outlet for the amp. I run the Wadia straight into the VK500, no preamp. I adjusted the output voltage to .5 volts using the internal DIP switches. I sold a BAT VK50SE pre-amp. Today, I consider pre-amps as sound polluting devices........