Hi Fi burnout.

Are you a victim of Hi-Fi burnout? A friend of mine who is "Into hi fi" recently called me to tell me he was selling all of his high end audio equipment! He was simply tired of keeping up with all the latest and greatest equipment trends. In his quest for the "Ultimate sound" he had upgraded several times at great expense. Sales people were only to happy to sell him what he "Needed" to "Really" improve his system. I think all told he accumulated some 150k in equipment!! What he forgot and lost sight of in his quest for the ultimate stereo, was to listen to the music!! Instead he would take pride in how great his speakers tweeter's sounded, and the the pages clipped out of various audio magazines that showed charts on his equipment and it's performance. He now owns a little Sony do it all portable stereo, and says he's happier for it because he's not so stressed about keeping up with all the new equipment. It's easy to see how this could happen. I look at my stereo equipment as a tool made for the extraction of music from vinyl or cd or tape. The music IS what matters and shall remain with us forever. In this day of hi tech accomplishments and super materials, you have to be very careful not to get sucked into the equipment junkie bottomless pit. Otherwise you could be spending some time at the Betty Ford Centre for recovering Audiophiles. What say you?
Some of us, in addition to enjoying music, also have an interest in technology. In the case of audio, the two interests are linked, but clearly are separate hobbies.

My particular interest is in finding, and even designing/building, low cost equipment which through technical innovation rivals high cost equipment in performance. This is not because I am poor, or a cheapskate, but because it is an interesting challange.
If he can listen to his Sony and enjoy the music, why cant he do the same with his more expensive gears? Just wondering :)
been there..done that..came back even more with vigorous passion. It's in the blood...cannot get rid of it. Make peace with yourself,enjoy your music and watch your spending...
I just listen after 30 years of upgrading. Now I blow all my money on modding Corvettes, just as bad.
Yep, got tired of chasing my tail as well. Sold off all of my expensive gear and accessories and settled down with a simple integrated and CD player. No special cords or cables. No power conditioners, cones, spikes or bladders.
Best move I've made.