Newbee: "Plamenz, Your amps would have to have the same input sensitivity to function properly."
Well, sort of. The input sensitivity has to be the same for the same power output. Some reviewers (but virtually no manufacturers) test and publish input sensitivity for 1-Watt output, and high-power amps tend to have less voltage gain. If one looks only at published sensitivities at rated outputs, 2 amps could be different but the same. They're different in that one is rated 0.5 volts in for 50 Watts out while the 2nd is rated 2 volts in for 200 Watts out. They're the same in that they both have the SAME voltage gain--which means they'll have the SAME output voltages--for the same input, until, of course, the 50-Watter runs out of power.
If the 25-Watter is a receiver, it has volume controls so it sort of doesn't matter what its input sensitivity is, simply adjust the volume to have the treble balance you want.
Personally, this sounds like an exercise in futility to me, as the 25W. amp probably won't SOUND any better than the 70W. amp, and you'll be introducing the impurities of another pair of interconnects to the treble, but it won't cost you anything.
Good luck.