Anyone have their Audio Aero Capitole MKII yet?

I just received mine today and was looking for other's opinions about the MKII right out of the box as compared to the MKI (or other comparable players).
Im picking mine today or tomorrow but i heard one at my dealer that was 3 weeks broken in. I listened to it only a couple of minutes and on a recording i didnt know well, so i cant really comment, but my dealer categorically refused to sell his demo unit as he cant listen to anything else now (he deals accuphase and linn, and says that nothing compares). If thats any indication, i think its a good one. He did tell me that the player really breaks in during the first week.

Badwisdom, I'm curious if your dealer listens to the Linn CD12 along side the AA? If so, what did he say about the two in comparision?

i dont know if he did. Maybe it was only the Ikemi (i doubt it though). He did tell me that the DP 85 and the DP101/100 combo wasnt even in the same league as the Mk II. Ill ask him if he has had the chance to compare with the CD12 when i go pick up my unit.

I do know an another Accuphase dealer that prefered the DP85 to the Linn CD12, but cant really take that as an objective argument as he didnt sell any linn.

I received mine yesterday. I never heard the Mk-I in my system so I cannot address that comparison. I can say this, right out of the box with NO warm-up I have mixed feelings. My former reference was the Sonic Frontiers Transport 3 and Processor 3. This VERY early impression (which, to me, means nothing but you asked about "right out of the box" impressions) are first, that it lives up to its wonderful analog sounding reputation (this thing is less "digital" sounding than the T3/P3). Second, however, it is less detailed than the T3/P3 and, RIGHT NOW at least, its bass impact and defintion are much less impressive than the T3/P3. I fully expect this to change from all that I have heard about how it changes after burn-in.

I am running it 24/7 and have David Elrod's EPS-2 power cord on it so I expect it will be impressing me MUCH more very soon. I will write more when it really has had a chance to stut its stuff.

Listner- We really need to wait a few weeks and let MikeL get his AA MkII he has a Linn CD-12 he is thinking about letting go if this new player is what it is cracked up to be. Looking forward to hearing his thoughts, along with everyone else when they finally show up! I guess I am not near as important as I thought I may have been, no player, which means that it most likely won't show up until the second batch shows up :( crappy digital for a few more weeks. ~Tim