Alpha Core MI2 vs Audience AU24 speaker cable

I must choose one of these between MI2 and AU24 speaker cable in my car audio sytem.

Please adivse the advantages and disadvantages between the two cables. At the moment I am using Furugawa S-1 Speaker cable and plan to upgrade cables
I would suggest the Audience due to performance and being small and easy to install in your vehicle as it is flexible. I have never heard the Alphacore but I find it hard to take a product like it serious when you look at their marketing efforts. I mean putting a half dressed woman who is not even attractive with their wires all over her is just plain silly. I mean, at least make the woman HOT or something. Good Luck!

The MI2 sounds slow, muddy, and flat compared to the AU24. This was one finding of a listening test I did with several people with 3 diffenent sets of electronics.
As a contrarian, I think you deserve an alternative response. I've owned and used many different kinds of speaker cable, and have done some "non-scientific" listening tests with friends using different speaker cables, and I found the Alpha-Core Goertz MI2 (copper) cables to be excellent. The MI2 cables have a very low impedance, and can cause some interface problems with certain amps (causing frequency oscillation in the amp), but that can be cured with the use of a Zobel circuit on each cable. For more info about Goertz cables, look into the A-gon archives -- there have been several very long threads about them, with some excellent input from our resident guru, Sean.

Rather like the guy who does the Remington shaver ads, I liked the Goertz so much I bought a bi-wired pair and have been extremely pleased with them. I'm not trying to "pimp" the Alpha-Core, but I think you owe it to yourself to audition them. You can get a set of cables from Alpha-Core for a money-back 30-day home trial, which is pretty hard to beat. (I agree that their ads with the woman using cables and interconnects as a halter-top are pretty stupid. The company's products deserve a much more intelligent marketing campaign.)