HELP: how to compensate too laid-back source

Recently I have upgraded my NAD C541i to Marantz 8400. In spite of the fact that it's not broken-in at all yet, I was amazed by added liquidity and musicality, especially on string quartets and symphonic orchestras. Piano, guitar are also sound so good that it causes me to close eyes and relax (never felt such a thing with NAD). And, the BASS. Comparing to Marantz, NAD didn't have it at all.
On the other hand, sometimes it (ex: Reveries from Reference Recordings) sounds too laid back; and percussions on my world music don't sound as natural as they did on NAD.
I don't want to give it up and go back since Marantz, in overall, sounds richer, and couses me to listen to a music, not a sound, but... Can proper interconnects compensate its laid-back sound, make it some closer?

Source: Marantz 8400 (new animal in my stable)
Interconnects: yet old Moster $30 ones (haven't determinated what to replace it with)
Amp: Moon i-5 (fast and neutral or a little on a bright side)
Speaker cable: AZ Satori (love 'em)
Speakers: Revel M20 (fast and neutral or a little on a bright side)
It's interesting what CD players have NAD's neutrality but significantly better resolution?
I'm quite confused: complex classical music was almost unlistenable on NAD, but a acoustic music from MA recordings sounded pretty good and natural, better then on Marantz. How to get both in one? I want smooth symphonic and chorals as well as naturally sounding drums from MA...

Ern, you may be right about a reason of "warm 'n cozy presentation... most of the time", but I think Marantz indeed produces much more bass... Well it's not an excuse for too laid-back sound :)
Before you do anything, including making judgments, let the CD player fully break in.
Years ago manufactures offered tubed buffers and other such gizmos to tame forward Cd players. Perhaps someone should create a solid state gizmo to add "presence" to overly laid back front ends? What comes around goes around, wait I'm getting dizzy.
Ern and Slappy, I think I'm taking taking your advise. From your and other posts I realized that my issue is not about a fine tuning of the system. It's about a sound character in general: Marantz has its own house sound, warm and laid-back, and if I like something very opposite (fast, neutral and some forward) any tweaks can just ruin Marantz strengths, but they won't help to get to its opposite. Even if I wait a full break in period. :)
Thanks to everyone responded!