It's interesting what CD players have NAD's neutrality but significantly better resolution?
I'm quite confused: complex classical music was almost unlistenable on NAD, but a acoustic music from MA recordings sounded pretty good and natural, better then on Marantz. How to get both in one? I want smooth symphonic and chorals as well as naturally sounding drums from MA...
Ern, you may be right about a reason of "warm 'n cozy presentation... most of the time", but I think Marantz indeed produces much more bass... Well it's not an excuse for too laid-back sound :)
I'm quite confused: complex classical music was almost unlistenable on NAD, but a acoustic music from MA recordings sounded pretty good and natural, better then on Marantz. How to get both in one? I want smooth symphonic and chorals as well as naturally sounding drums from MA...
Ern, you may be right about a reason of "warm 'n cozy presentation... most of the time", but I think Marantz indeed produces much more bass... Well it's not an excuse for too laid-back sound :)