I got in to an argument with a friend on the preferred connection. I know the tecnical differences between them. But does anyone know of a sonic difference? Hm...

Is there any? If so, why?

Connection for what and where? For short runs of cables, it will not matter much or really at all. People who need to run very long runs of cables usually prefer XLR, assuming of course.....(see below).....

Something to consider is....are you going to pick a piece of gear based on the conections, or on how it sounds?? If you were an XLR person and found a piece of gear you absolutely loved the sound of; would you not buy it because it had RCA's ; and would then go buy something you thought was not as good solely because it had XLR's ??

If some gear you own (or plan to own) has both RCA and XLR connections, I would try it both ways and trust your own ears which your prefer. It is your listening happiness, not your friends..
I´m not searching to buy new gear - settled as is. Me and my friend was just talking about what would be the best termination, as different manufacturers and brands has their ´favorits´ in connections. We have no chance in trying them all ourselves ( xlr, rca, BNC ).

I´m fully aware that it does not matter ´much´. But if I hear a difference between switching brand powerplugs on my PC for example, there should be an audible difference between the chioce on terminations of signalcables.

The ideal thing was if someone had three equal cables with different ends. Xlr, rca or BNC. Had equipment to connect them all and do a simple A - B test. But that´s utopia for an answer.

We can settle for talking the terminations on digital cables, if it helps.
For digital cables the best is non of the above...

ST Glass is probably best (and I don't mean toslink).

Ok, on paper, perhaps. I know they all differ in lab measurements, but if I say in a sonic performence?

Ok, let´s say ST Glass is best ( not ´probably´ best, but best ) for digital.

How about for Analog then?
