Grouding question ?

I'm getting a power cord for my Hydra which defeats the ground. All mu gear is connected to my Hydra. Would defeating the ground to my Hydra be bad as it would eliminate any ground to my sytem. Mt system would have no ground.Is this safe or should I get the grouned version. I hear the defeated ground sounds better but then again I don't want to electricute myself. Any opinions would be appreciated.
Its a good idea at least to have one component in your system grounded.
That way if there is trouble, you have one route available.

More than likely local codes require grounding, and national electrical codes most certainly do apply.

If you have having noise[ground related]problems in your system, try this:

Grap a cheater plug, and try them one by one on your components, using this process of elimination, you can narrow or single out your ground related noise issues.

Be careful about powering down your preamplifier with your amplifiers running, most amplifiers don't react well to that.

It may well be that the problem is not system related, but building/home wiring related.
If its building related, you can always go the separate grounding rod route.....check with your electrician....

Some folks like to ground the preamplifier only.

Many amplifiers also should be grounded, due to the amount of power involved.

Also, I would check with Shunyata Research, they may not approve of negating the ground to the Hydra[I have one in a second system]. It could be a design issue, as some conditioners dump 'noise' into the ground[and returns/negative], as a matter of design.

I believe PS Audio now has a hum buster available....

I could really go on and on, but one thing for sure:

Its the safest bet to AT LEAST ground one component.

Hope this helps.

Best, Bill M.
What if I had a two way ground wire with one plug plugged to the Hydra and one plug plugged to the wall socket. the only thing between the two plugs would be a ground wire. Would that work?
Mitch: Are you talking about simply running an external wire from your outlet to the Hydra? If that is the case, i see nothing wrong with doing that. Just make sure that it can pass a sizeable amount of current. Sean
Thanks Sean,
I have just made last night a 16 guage wire with two male plugs on both ends. One end to plug into one of the outlets of the Hydra and one end to plug directly into the wall. the only connection between these two male plugs is a 16 guage wire that is connected to the ground prongs only of each plug. There would be no current going through this cable as it is for grounding purpoases only. Since the cord I will be getting for my Hydra has no ground I thought it might be safe to add a ground or at least have the option. I can hear if not grounding my system sounds better enough to risk possible accidents.
My question was does it make sense or do you think it would work(ground my system) by using the ground cable I made. Can one ground a system in this manner. Two male plugs connected only by aground wire(no other wire to connectors) and then plugged into Hydra and plugged into wall only connecting the ground from one of the outlets of the Hydra to one of the outlets in my wall.The current prongs of both plugs would have nothing connected to them.