Audio Aero Capitole MK II: Performance & Problems

Capitole MKII users, kindly update on the sonic virtues but also on any repeated technical problems. No forum postings since a week! Have these problems stopped? I understand that some units needed a software update; have these been recalled? Does the performance justify the high price? Please contribute.
Mzn50- Thank you for all your help- I don't have speakers this weekend but new ones will be here Monday I will try then. I just don't understand why it wasn't working, I didn't have a lot of time to play with it though, perhaps a little more time and patience and it will all come together.
Tim, You probably know this, but just in case it was overlooked, the 9000es will not output SACD audio signals from the digital out optical or coaxial connectors. Good luck and enjoy the Cap.MkII!
I tried my Micromega Stage 6 CD player as transport and the Capitole as DAC (using RCA digital cable) and no problem at all. Once you select the coaxial input (either with remote or the button in the CDP) everything else should be automatic and the DAC should play.

I suspect that your player has some problem that should be understood and sorted out by your dealer. At the same time they should upgrade your chip. This is the safest option. Guessing and playing around too much with the buttons may cause harm to the player.
Can you provide more inof on the P3 software? Where have your read it? The AA website makes no mention of this new software? I understand from an earlier post that the new chip P2 was going to cure all problems such as bug, tracking etc., why the need for the P3? is the P2 having problems?
The best way to find out what's wrong with your player is to use another CD player (not DVD) as transport only and connect it to the Capitole using a digital cable.
If your system still does not play, your Capitole should go back to the dealer. If it plays, the problem you mention above lies in the other source, not in your Capitole.