Audio Aero Capitole MK II: Performance & Problems

Capitole MKII users, kindly update on the sonic virtues but also on any repeated technical problems. No forum postings since a week! Have these problems stopped? I understand that some units needed a software update; have these been recalled? Does the performance justify the high price? Please contribute.
I installed the P3 chip in my player last evening. Not a simple task. It did, however, clear up the problems I've stated earlier in this thread. I've found everything that Darrell states to be fact. Thanks Darrell.

The best part of all.....this player sounds great and those pesky little quirks are all just a fading memory ..........AHHH
Has anybody tried the Mark II with a quality transport? I recall an earlier post claiming Capitole MKI + Esoteric P2 transport to upset the MKI player on its own.

Well, I'm embarrased to state that my Capitole, fed by a Micromega Stage 6 CD player as transport, produces (in my system) a more musical, smoother and more seductive sound than on its own! It took only a few seconds even for my wife to spot that! My Capitole is fully burnt in with about 600 hrs on it. I'd be interested in having your feedback.