Help to pick redbook player

I want a player mainly for redbook CD listening, but SACD, DVD, DVD-A or changer would be a bonus. I narrowed my choices to these players. I might would have to get two players. I have no opportunity to audition most of them so I am asking your opinions which one has best redbook CD playback, perhaps in decending order:

1.Arcam CD72 - $500 used

2.ROTEL RCC-1055 CD changer $500 used

3.Yamaha DVD-S2300 SACD/DVD-A/DVD $800 new

4.Philips 963 SACD/DVD/CD 192upsampling $360 new;jsessionid=4NNPNVRQN2DXUCRQNAVRX2QKGBUTSHAW?divId=0&groupId=VIDEO_GR&catId=DVD_CA&subCatId=DVD_PLAYERS_SU&productId=DVD963SA

5.Sony 222ES changer SACD/CD $300 used

6. Rega Planet 2000 $550 used

Are they all pretty close in terms of redbook playback quality or some stand off much more? Thank you!
Another one to consider, which I really enjoy is the Linn Mimik II. Those can be had for 500-600 dollars.
Don't forget about AH! used that will fit your budget and will probably do the best of above listed.
Disclaimer: I am a Xindak dealer.

The Arcam is definitely one to look into, which you already have on your list.

As Marakanetz mentioned, the AH! Tjoeb 4000 is very good, I have also heard good things about the Heart CD6000.

Also check out the Jolida JD-100, great product for the money:

Probably out of your budget, but I would also suggest that you add the Xindak SCD-2 to your list (MSRP=$1695).

Some info on the SCD-2 can be found here:

Let me know if you have questions or need additional info on the SCD-2.

Best Regards...Mike - Father & Son Audio