Brent: Once you get below a certain point of capacitance, you really don't gain much other than that one can use a longer length of cable with less potential high frequency degradation. While i agree that capacitance should be kept reasonably low in an interconnect, i've used some cabling that is VERY high in capacitance without noticing any major problems. The reason for this is that most of my interconnects are reasonably short and i try to select gear that is reasonably stable.
On top of that, there is such a wide impedance mismatch between most sources to pre's and pre's to amp's ( due to improper industry standards ) that it doesn't make as much of a difference as one might think. After all, changing the nominal impedance of an interconnect by a few ohms to even several hundred ohms isn't that big of a deal. That's because the output impedance of a preamp might be 50 ohms and the input impedance of the amp is 10,000+ ohms. Compare that to where the output impedance of an SS amp is less than one ohm and a speaker is 4 - 8 ohms and you get a better idea of where i'm coming from.
Obviosly, one would want to use a cable that produced a nominal impedance that was somewhere between the input and output impedances of the equipment being connected together in order to achieve "reasonable" levels of performance. With the electronics, that gives you a very wide range from below a hundred up to thousands of ohms. With the amp / speaker interphase, you've got a much narrower selection. This is why i've stated that one should get the speaker cabling right first and then worry about interconnects.
While i'm NOT saying that interconnects don't matter ( they definitely do ), i don't think that they are as critical as speaker cable selection. That is, so long as common sense in setting up the system is applied. Those that haven't noticed differences in speaker cabling have probably compared designs that are equally poor i.e. share similar defects in signal transfer characteristics that they therefore share common sonic signatures.
Having said all of that, are you looking for RCA's or XLR's? Sean