Digital Front End.. help please

Wondering if anyone can offer some opinions on an upgraded digital front end:

My priorities include: lush sound, something analogue-like, wide soundstage, deep tones, warmth over detail

--i'm mating this future front end with ML Aerius i, VTL IT85 (new, and i am totally in love with this integrated!!)

--i think DAC/transport is the way to go, both for best sound, and for future upgradability (am i wrong here?)

--i don't think upsampling, etc, is what i'm looking for; audionote dacs are currently at the top of my list

--i don't have any opinions on transports; haven't really found anything that stands out; some models i've been pondering are: audionote CDT1, CEC TL2, mark levinson 37, vecteur D-2

i could buy an audionote dac 1.1x sig/cdt1 combo, along with cables, for about 4K new. but i really am not in a hurry, and would be willing to buy used. i think i could get more for my money if i did, but i'm nervous about buying used.

your opinion on a good transport to match an audionote dac would be great. cables to match the two would be great too. guess i'm looking at the 1.1x up to the 3.1x... wondering what my money gets me as i move up. maybe the 1.1x will be great!, and i can save to upgrade till later? can i get away with a great transport used for under 1K?

thanks everyone...

didnt know you were in a 2.5K range, sorry. I would strongly suggest you audition the Meridian 508.24, the EMC1 Mk II and the Gamut CD1, which are all in this price range and are imho leaders in their class (as far as my personal experience can attest).

I would not go the seperates way. I think they become interesting at a very high price range (10k a piece). And yet once you reach that magic 8k figure you can get the AA....

Be careful about used units more than a year or two old. Its pretty widely accepted that DAC chips have improved substantially in just the past couple years, so many lower cost new DACs approach the performance of high-end brand DACs using earlier generation chips. Buy with your ears, not your eyes.
I'd check out the aforementioned Meridian 508.24 (it is really smooooth) and the Naim CD5, or the older CD3.5 with a Flatcap power supply. I audiotioned both makes (508.24 vs. 3.5) a while back (Aerius driven by a JRDG Concentra). If I only listened to classical, I would have gone with the Meridian, but I found the Naim to be punchier and more musical. Both are great players.

Have fun looking
There are a lot of posts on this subject. I would suggest you do a search and enjoy the reading. A lot of players come to mind that would meet your reqyuirements emc, cary, sony xa. You mention you don't need detail and that is were the scd-1 shines over the xa (IMO).
Hey Dennis_the_menace,

I just purchased the Metronome CD2V Signiture and I love it. It does not have the reputation that some of the afore mentioned "usual suspects", as I refer to them, but it is a solid player. It has a tube output stage and throws an impressive soundstage. It retails for 3.5K. I know it is a bit over your budget but it is, IMHO, as good as most of the other players mentioned here. You may also find it used for 2K, as I did. You could also get the CD1 Signiture, (2K new), and add the C-20 Dac, (not sure of retail price), to it later. The importer of this machine has this very set up as his demo and swears by it. The transport is exactly the same in both players so the difference is the superior external dac. These are just the rantings of a very satisfied customer and I'm sure you will be able to make your way through all the names being tossed at you and make the decision that will suit you best. Good luck.

As for buying used, I have never had a problem dealing w/anyone on the 'gon and I've been at this for about a year now. This is a very tight bunch of people here and i'm sure you will find it that way as well.....John