Isolation Questions

Hi to all,

Being a true believer in vibration control, I purchased a BDR Shelf for Source here on Audiogon (thanks Sam) for an AA Capitole mk 11 CDP, equipped with BDR cones affixed to the bottom of the chassis.

My very limited understanding of the principles involved seem to indicate that the CDP, when placed on this shelf, will likely be more resonant than the shelf. Subsequently, shouldn't the point end of the BDR cones be in contact with the chassis of the CDP? If that's the case, reversal of the cones won't be an option, but I think rollerblocks might be more helpful in draining internal CDP vibrations. Any thoughts on that?
If the consensus is that the cones are fine where they are, can anyone advocate for rollerblocks under the BDR shelf, or is that like killing a mosquito with a shotgun?

Theaudiotweak is correct. You cannot isolate vibration. You might be able to alter or even dampen a bit, but not isolate.

Therefore, your best bet is mechanically transfer the vibration using appropriate points and racking systems.

Vibration and resonance need an exit path. Without that exit path, you'll reek sonic havoc at the micro-dynamic level.

Stehno, just what are "appropriate points and racking systems," in your experience?

My experience tells me that those variables would vary for every different component available due to the fact that the resonant nodes would vary from component to component...
Plato, before I consider a response to your question, I'd like to ask; why do you wish to know?

I ask because you stated above that based on your experience nobody can provide a definitive answer to Brimac's question. Therefore, I would think that my answer to your question would be of no use to you.


If my memory serves, you are supposed to put the flat side of the BDR cone on the Shelf. Can't you have your dealer open the Capitole and unscrew the BDR cones?

Alan Hsu