DACs: Burmester vs. Meitner vs. dcs

Any comments would be appreciated.
the problem with me is that all i have been doing lately if 'futzing'.....i have started construction on the room.....Rives is finalizing the plans.....maybe i'll be into the new room in Mid-July.

seriously, show me better than the Placette and i'll change. so far not in my room. the DCC2 may be better than the DAC6/Placette combo.....but that has yet to be proved to my ears.

Tireguy, do you still need that manual?.....sorry....i just realized i forgot to fax it.....i just haven't been myself since i 'blew-up' my room...
Mike- Don't worry about it. Hope the new room is up soon so you can get back to enjoying some tunes.

I had a placette here a few months ago and was amazed had just how good the little thing was! I still can't believe it, for the money it is a steal.
"maybe I'll be into the new room in mid-july".


OK, when did aliens inhabit Mikel's body :-)