Tara Labs Master Gen 2+ speaker cable

Does anyone out there know anything about the Tara Labs Master Gen 2+ speaker cable, and how it differs in construction and sound compared to the Master Gen 2 or the Air 3. All I know is, they were manufactured for a short period of time, when Tara was phasing out the Master Gen 2 and moving into the Air series. I'm waiting to hear from all you Tara connoisseurs.
I had master/ref. gen 2 about 10 years ago. I just looked at an add/W/pic, for mast. gen.2--in the adds new-today ---That isn't what mine looked like. My pair sold for 1800 back then. The jackets for mine were clear and you could see the copper wire.-----I was always confused about their line and noting the differences.----I also had the first gen. Stiff as a coat hanger; but great wire. This was a gold/ white spiraled affair.----I also had their ic--gens.1 & 2. There stuff worked so well I also moved to the Decade.
I practically gave away 2 pair of gen 2's a few years back in a mistake. Mine also were clear and you could see the wires. This was an excellent cable and the move to Decade speaker cable wasn't much of a jump ( as compared to the complete superiority of the Decade interconnects to the Master Gen. II's.) About the only thing I noticed about the 2+ was a change in the jacket. It was more whitish. Sound wise---couldn't hear a difference.
It is my understanding that the Air 1 is equivalent of the Decade. I do know I never liked the Air 3. It was a drop off in sound.
Hey Bigtee,
If you are the one who lives in Goose XXX, SC then I was the fellow who bought your Master Gen II interconnects way back when!! I still have them & really like them. Now your comment on the Decade being clearly superior to the MS Gen 2 might have put a bug in my head!!! ;-)
I also use the Master Gen 2 speaker cables - excellent stuff!