Need speaker wire for my Dynaudio Contour 4's

I own a Jeff Roland #5 amp and a Jeff Roland consance pre-
amp. My speakers are Dynaudio Contour4's. My interconnects are all Straightwire Maestro's. I am open to sugestions
for speaker cables..I have been using Cardas entry level
for now....Help...
Try Virtual Dyunamics and you won't look back.I also have a speaker that uses Dynaudio ( very modified)and run the Master series cables.
I have the Contour 3.3 and have used/tried numerous speaker cables.
Nothing comes close to the FIM/CRL Gold speaker cables. If I didn't own them
my second favorite cable was NBS Monitor O's. However, my equipment is
very different from yours. I'm running Pass Labs X600 Monoblocks and an
ARC Ref. II.
I have had Cardas GC, Cardas GR, various Transparent, Nordost Valhalla, Audinece AU24, various synergistic references and analysis plus in the past. By far the best I have heard is the sterovox cable. Its ultra quiet like Transparent, soundstages like Valhalla, and yet is smooth as silk. I would not recommend it on every system (well it also costs a small fortune), you your would really benefit from it, and you've obv already investsed quite a bit.
I have heard really nice things about Purist Audio cables, but never owned them (also expensive).

Of course everyone is going to tell you that what they own is best - so take it all with a grain of salt. But, I do think you owe it to yourself to at least audition some (any) really high end cables, IMHO. You might be surprised