Do SACD player start up slower

I've noticed that one of the SACD players I'm looking at takes maybe 30-45 seconds to "read the disk content" Is this common to the format? The CDP uses a Sony drive so I would think this would be common to any player that uses a sony drive..
I just timed my sony XA777es for you. With tray open it took 2 seconds for the tray to close and 10 more seconds for play to begin.
My SCD-1 is located across the listening room. The long delay gives me time to walk back to the couch, sit down, take a sip from my glass of wine and relax before the music starts. Perfect! Much better than playing an LP, when the music always starts while I'm still on the run.
I could'nt agree more Jackcob. It's pride of ownership and knowing you own one of the best transports on the market. Gary.
I agree with Jackcob! The loading and scanning of the 777 is just enough time to get to the audio "sweet-spot", sip a wee dram of the malt, and prepare to listen to some good tunes!