What is the deal with the ART DIO

I have read some unbelievable raviews on this dac.
Any comments on it's performance?
Basically, the deal is that, when properly modified, DI/O can sound very good, beating out digital equipments several times its meagre price. I have one that I modified, and my experience comfirms what I've said above.
I just bought mine and am waiting for a Digital Cable to arive!I will be mating it with a Phillips CD-80 1989 Vintage Transport!If you have an old machine and do not want to speand for a new machine or more expensive DAC then I cannot see anything wrong with trying it!

In my mind it's the poormans DAC and that's fine for me!I'm always looking for a good value!You are not going to get a SOTA DAC for $130 ,but I bet you will get improvement and with a few tweeks you'll get better sonics!

I wonder how many synergy issues are involved with getting the most from the unit also!Like trying out a few different cables or Changing out the OP amp Caps and resistors!

Paul Lam of FT Audio gave praise for it when mating with Phillips CDPs also!So it is well worth the risk to get one if needed IMHO!

Good LucK!
I just had to send my Tact 2.2X back to the factory for repair. I was using the internal 24/192 DAC. When used with the internal room correction system and volume control, I don't think there is a better DAC out there. So I dug my ART DI/O out of storage to use in the interim. It is not modified. It is very good for the money, but not in the same league as the Tact. I agree with Sean's comments about soundstaging. That was the first thing I noticed. This DAC has much less 3D imaging that the Tact. Can I live with the sound until I get my Tact back? Hell yes! This thing is very good for the money. I'm going to send it in for the mods just for kicks.
Somewhat contrary to the comments above, I think soundstage is one of the strength of my modified DI/O. It is very wide, but about medium depth and height. Within that field, imaging is finely layered and accuratly presented, IMHO. However, as sean said, there's many varieties of DI/O recipe out there, and I believe my DI/O is unique in the regard that no other DI/O is modified in the exact same way as mine. I just wanted to make a note that soundstage could be improved with modification....though I'm not sure which of my two dozen mods helps soundstage.

Glreno: so you moved from Hermes to Tact 2.2X? Good move...I wish I could do the same. :)
Just curious Sean -- did you take any steps to optimize the sound of the DIO -- such as trying different digital cables or experimenting with chassis resonance issues on the DIO and its power supply? Or did you just pop it in a system that was already optimized for a different DAC?

I don't know if I have the latest chip set in my Bolder modified unit, but it does provide a very wide and layered soundstage... My unit has great dynamic capability and excellent articulation at low bass frequencies. The highs are as pleasant, natural, and extended as you will find in any DAC I have heard.

Before you buy a very expensive DAC I'd want to investigate the DIO a bit further.