Here we go again...Silver vs. Copper on P/C 's

I know that this topic has been discussed many times on Audiogon about the good and bad merits of each of these properties, but I would like to throw it out again to get some feedback. Looking at a very good P/C for my solid state amp.....Synergistic Research Absolute Reference Master Power incorporates silver wiring. Some very reputable companies are using both silver and copper in their P/C's....some just copper wiring. I have ''heard'' some negative comments on the use of silver in P/C's ranging from ; too brite, too flat, no life, too harsh....So, looking for some comments on the Synergistic Research Absoloute Ref. cable and other's that might work on a system that has leaned towards being very ''rich'' sounding.
Starting with a 60Hz signal with some aberrations due to current surges then rectifying the results, the composition of the wire might not really matter.

I've been looking for a pure silver PC for my front end. I have found that it improves my dynamics tremendously. Does any know which manufacturers make real pure silver power cords that don't involve outrageous magic elixirs, pixie dust, etc.
Mechans, you may want to try Audio Magic. They make only silver cables and are very good.