I need a speakercable that bring voices forward me

I want a speakercable that makes more voices more alive and that has a real "kick" with drums without being warm in mids and lows. I would prefer Audioquest.

Perhaps Volcano ?
Rsbeck you are a rude person !

I did not find his comments "rude" in any way at all. They may have been pointed, but they were quite astute and to the point IMO, and actually, you may find them to be quite helpful in subsequent responses if you get any. Speaker cables are very system dependent and listing the rest of your system may get you more informed responses, espcially amp and speakers. It is quite odd that folks may recommend speaker cables without knowing the rest of your system. I guess they're just sharing what worked for them, but that is of little help if their systems do not resemble yours in some way shape or form.

Jax2 you a right in a way. But i also asked for a cable not being warm. Isnt that an easy q to answer ?
I do not find his comments rude either as it looks like you post an AudioQuest related post every other week here in this forum. A lot can be told by what equipment you are using and what cables to suggest in your search.. Easy Man..

Might you re-position your listening chair slightly closer to the speakers by either moving the speakers further from the wall, or the chair closer to the speakers?
Jax2 you a right in a way.

Well, since I was just stating my opinion it really isn't a matter of being right or wrong. It's just my opinion.

But i also asked for a cable not being warm. Isnt that an easy q to answer ?

No, it is not an easy question to answer without knowing what amp and speakers you are using. As Rsbeck implies, different cables will interact in different ways with different systems. These differences may be quite pronounced, for instance if you are using them in a tube based system vs. a SS system, or they could be quite subtle.
