What is the worst recorded CD you have?

I have a C,S,N&Y CD "American Dream" that I keep around to use as a reference because it sounds so bad!It is like they recorded it with a bag over the Mic's!
Buckwheat Zydeco A 20 year party.

Sounds as most of the songs were recorded on a Ghetto Blaster way to far back in the room Low levels of music combined with high levels of noise.

If it weren't for the last song "Hey Baby" this disc would be a coaster.
Artie Shaw Grammercy Five on Bluebirtd. Wonderful music, awful tinny sound. To amaze the "CDs are perfect" crowd, I do an A/B comparison between this CD and a couple of 78s I have of the same music. The 78s sound awesome in comparison.
i can only present the largest comparison between cd and vinyl that is so obvious on king crimson's "islands" album that sounds so great on vinyl and so poor on cd.
Marakanetz, my Islands cd sounds pretty good. It's on the EG label -- EGCD5 (Definitive Edition remastered in 1989 by Fripp and Arnold). If you have the same edition, either our ears/equipment is very different or you might have a bad copy if there is such a thing. That's one of my favorite cd's though, of course, it would not compare exactly to the original vinyl.

The worst cd in our collection is an anthology: The Beatles / 1967-1970 on Capitol (CDP 0777 7 97039 2 0). Whenever my wife plays it, I have to leave the room.