Need help choosing IC


As I live in Norway, and it's hard for me to try those esoteric american cables at home, I really need your opinion to help me choose without hearing.

I use a Merlin VSM/OTL system. I love the "beeing there" feeling, "getting in touch with the music", "flesh and blood". You know.

I don't like overdetailed systems with amazing sound but without musical contact.

My system tend to be a bit agressive in the upper midrange, so I dont need more of that.

I already have an AU24 speaker cable. I think this is a really good cable, and I'm planning on keeping it for a while. Does almost everything right, but lacks a bit of "life". A bit laid back and civilized.

I've narrowed the search down to these alterantives:

AU24, TG HSR, Argent Audio Pursang and Ridge Street Poiema.

I am open to other alternatives also of course.

I listen mostly to jazz.

Hope you can help me out.

I am using The Master series cables from Virtual Dynamics. You will feel the music, you will feel the emotion of the music. Checkout the review on Call Rick, he is a great guy to deal with. This cable in my system is by far the best.

Thanx all. I purchased a pair of AU24. Then I'm safe and can play around a bit with other cables mentioned here.
