general query about cables on Agon

Hi guys,

I've noticed recently that there seem to be sellers who are selling only cables, and a lot of them, on the 'Gon. Doesn't seem particularly normal to sell nothing but cables unless you're a manufacturer or something. I know there were stories going around about fake cables, and this just kind of makes me raise an eyebrow. Do I have anything to worry about here, or am I just being waaay too paranoid?
Just an opinion: The "cable-sellers",guys; seems most make their own and time to time somebody will have a positive to say about the brand.---It's the name brand; where one might find "fakes". You always have to be careful about everything you buy. Paranoid is good/just don't overdo it.
Indeed, the "make their own" crowd is what I'm worried about here. I'm looking at Shunyata, and I figure that's ripe for the pickin', about as "name brand" as you can get. Someone who's feedback is all for cable sales, only sells never buys, and has 10 sets of cables for sale at the same time sparks serious suspicion from me.
Are these dealers in guise? Maybe on-line sales for those brands are prohibited by the manufacturer.
