Thanks for the response, Jay. I have read several testimonials about Dan's work regarding the Sony 9000es. The unit I have not heard about is the 999es which I own. Since the 999es performs multi-channel SACD, I am curious about the levels/sound across all the channels. I currently use an outboad DAC and upsampler (click "system" above). I have found the difference between using the DAC in the stock Sony vs. the outboard DAC to be almost two interpretations of the same work. The Sony is smooth at the top and not quite as wide or dynamic across the range. The outboard combo has more detail and sounds much louder (I think the DTI runs a higher voltage out but am not sure) but has a little more digital "glare" than the stock Sony. I would like to get the detail, width of image and immediacy of the outboard combo while keeping the smoothness of the Sony. BTW: SACD playback solves almost all of this problem, especially the smoother, wider and more powerful dynamics of the music! I would love information on what mods could achieve what I'm looking for or if they can at all. FWIW: The one modifier who told me they DON'T do the 999es mods was Richard Kern. In the mean time, I'll try to email Dan with this as well. Besides Dan Wright, are there any other modifiers of this particular model? Sorry to be long-winded!